Now is a great time to sell a Grand Lake Waterfront Home if you are seeking top dollar and taking a short time to get sold. Life changes, we understand, and if you are not using your Grand Lake Waterfront Home and wish to sell it you could not ask for a better time to do so. For years since the financial crisis in 2008 prices were mostly steady at best and it could take 6 months to a year or sometimes longer to find a buyer. Today, times are different. We are short of Grand Lake Waterfront Homes For Sale, in fact something like a 1/3 the number that were for sale most of past 10 years. Interest rates are record cheap, demand is up with families wanting a safe place to enjoy with family and friends during the Covid pandemic, buyers have the worthwithall to buy and want to buy today. Most people think January and February are winter months with no demand for lake homes and for years that was partially the case although winter internet shopping for spring purchases has been a long time favorite. Today, the winter has not been bad and people want to get a jump on spring, buy before rates rise, and again want that getaway or fulltime Grand Lake home where they can be safe from Covid.
We need listings now for this pent up demand. If you have been thinking of selling, let us tell you what we think your home will bring and it will be considerable more than a year ago, how we sell different from other area agents, and how to get started with the process. Our team of Amy Wright and Joe Neill with Keller Williams Realty Grand Lake will work hard to sell your home quick and for top dollar. Our track record bears this out. List with the pros and let us get your home sold again quick and top dollar.
To learn more, contact Amy Wright at 918 791-1594 or Joe Neill at 918 640-3300 or email